Infiintata in 1994, Elasco activeaza ca integrator de sisteme si furnizor de servicii de inginerie pentru domeniul utilitatilor publice municipale (energie, apa, automatizari si SCADA). Elsaco ofera o gama variata de servicii, de la studii si analize, la dezvoltare conceptuala, planificare si proiectare detaliata, la management de proiect, constructii, operare si mentenanta.
“De peste doua decenii Elsaco a implementat proiecte care au schimbat viata comunitatilor locale iar beneficiarii lucrarilor si-au diminuat costurile, au dezvoltat surse noi si eficiente de producere a energiei in vederea sustinerii unui ritm de productie mai ridicat, au asigurat clientilor un serviciu de alimentare cu apa, furnizare apa calda, caldura calitativ si performant si au gestionat si diminuat pierderile in retele. Am implementat proiecte atat la nivel national cat si international, acoperind zone precum: Republica Moldova, Belgia, Polonia, Rusia, Egipt, Qatar, Dubai, Mauritius, Turcia. Ne dezvoltam continuu pentru a raspunde nevoilor clientilor nostri. Solutiile noastre contribuie la o imbunatatire a calitatii vietii si la o dezvoltare sustenabila a societatii in care traim.” Andreea Govna, Manager Comunicare.
Founded in 1994, Elsaco operates as a systems integrator and provider of engineering services for the field of municipal public utilities (energy, water, automation and SCADA). Elsaco offers a wide range of services, from studies and analysis, to conceptual development, detailed planning and design, to project management, construction, operation and maintenance.
“For over two decades Elsaco has implemented projects that have changed the lives of local communities and the beneficiaries of the works have reduced their costs, developed new and efficient sources of energy production in order to sustain a higher production rate, provided customers with a food service, with water, hot water supply, quality and high-performance heat and have managed and reduced network losses. We have implemented projects both nationally and internationally, covering areas such as: Republic of Moldova, Belgium, Poland, Russia, Egypt, Qatar, Dubai, Mauritius, Turkey. We are constantly developing to meet the needs of our customers. Our solutions contribute to an improvement in the quality of life and to a sustainable development of the society in which we live.” Andreea Govna, Communication Manager