
About us

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About us

Established in 2010 at the initiative of Can Pack Romania and the European Aluminium Association, Alucro is the only NGO in the country that carries out green projects aimed exclusively at promoting the selective collection and recycling of aluminum cans. 

Since 2012, Alucro Association holds the license for the European program. Every Can Counts . Launched in 2009 in the United Kingdom, the initiative Every Can Counts it is considered the leading program for promoting beverage can recycling in Europe. It aims to inspire people to make a difference by recycling beverage cans when they are away from home, such as at the office or on the go - from parks, festivals, and sports events to schools and universities. Today, the initiative is present in 20 European countries and Brazil.

European Aluminium represents the aluminum industry in Europe, including primary aluminum producers, recycled aluminum producers, and national aluminum associations. Through a variety of programs, the association aims to promote the contribution of aluminum to sustainable development while maintaining and enhancing the industry's image, materials, and applications. The EAA works towards advancing the interests of the aluminum sector, fostering innovation, and ensuring that aluminum remains a key player in various industries and sectors.   

CAN PACK ROMÂNIA este singurul producător de doze din aluminiu din România și face parte din Grupul CANPACK, unul dintre cei mai importanți producători globali de ambalaje din aluminiu, metal, sticlă și capace. Grupul CANPACK produce doze de aluminiu destinate industriei băuturilor răcoritoare și alcoolice.


Our mission is to encourage aluminum can recycling among the public in Romania and to provide solutions that facilitate collection and recycling.

Why do we encourage can recycling?

The recycling of aluminum cans is encouraged due to its environmental and economic advantages. Aluminum cans, widely used for beverages, are 100% recyclable without any loss in quality. The recycling process requires 95% less energy compared to producing new cans, contributing to material circularity and conserving resources and energy. Aluminum is infinitely recyclable, and over 75% of all aluminum ever produced is still in use.

Circular Economy

Sustainable education and collection infrastructure are the main ingredients of a sustainable society in which recycling plays an extremely important role.

Climate Impact

Aluminum recycling reduces 95% of the energy required for primary production, thereby saving energy and raw materials.


An aluminum can is lightweight, which means it has several benefits, including reducing energy consumption during transportation, emitting fewer pollutants, and significantly decreasing carbon footprint.
